Thursday, August 21, 2008

Your reviews

Have you read The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer? We would love to know what you think about the book. Please post your comments here.

About the book: A moving tale of post-war friendship, love and books, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society is a captivating and completely irresistible novel of enormous depth and heart. Find out more about the book at

“I can’t remember the last time I discovered a novel as smart and delightful as this one. Treat yourself to this book please—I can’t recommend it highly enough.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love


  1. I am an Italian reader and I had really enjoyed reading "La Società Letteraria di Guernsey." A delicate novel that "warms the heart" but at the same time makes us forget the horror of World War II. We apologize for my bad English. Thanks, Debora

  2. I am having great difficulty concentrating on my own work - as I'm a freelance writer that blogs about living with diabetes. I am trying to come up with how I can incorporate your book into my writings this week - since all I can think about is when can I go back and start reading again and continue with the next letter!!! It has been awhile since I felt this way about a book - with characters that seems seems so alive and real. I now want to go to Guernsey and explore it (I'm a ex-pat living in Canada). Cheers for such a great book - and I'm going to encourage many of my friends to read it!!!
